Saturday 9 November 2013

5 Surprising Signs You’re Probably a Genius

5 Surprising Signs You’re Probably a Genius

Christine Hsu
Update Date: May 23, 2013 05:44 PM EDT
Recently, a study revealed that highly intelligent people process visual information differently.  Scientists found that people with high IQ are good at seeing small, moving objects but struggle to see large, background like motions, and the opposite was shown in people with low IQ scores. 
Scientists have found numerous characteristics that set brilliant geniuses apart from ordinary Joes. Besides a high score on a math test, studies have linked certain personalities and physical traits to higher intelligence. Here are five bizarre traits scientific studies have linked to intelligence.
1. You Have a High Sex Drive

(Issei Kato/Reuters)
(Issei Kato/Reuters)
A recent study suggests a link between high sexual libido and intelligence.  A new UK study revealed that students from more prestigious UK universities spend more on sex toys than students from other universities. After analyzing sales figures, sex toy retailer Lovehoney found that Cambridge and Oxford students shelled out almost three times more on sex toys than other universities.  The survey revealed that Cambridge students and Oxford students spent over $14,600 on sex toys compared to students at University of Surrey and Loughborough who spent less than $4,900, according to The Telegraph.
2. You Use Drugs

Previous studies found that people who use more drugs are more intelligent. A study by British scientists found that "very bright" people with IQs of 125 or higher are not only significantly more likely to drink excessively compared to their less intelligent counterparts, they are also "three-tenths of a standard deviation more likely to use psychoactive drugs compared to very dull individuals," according to Psychology Today. That means the more intelligent you are, the more likely you'll indulge in illegal substances like marijuana, Ecstasy, amphetamines, cocaine, crack and heroin.
3. You're a Night Owl

(Tim Wimborne/Reuters)
(Tim Wimborne/Reuters)

Early birds don't actually get the worm, according to science.  Researchers found that people who burn midnight oil and get up later in the morning are actually smarter than those who do the opposite. Researchers said that the concept goes back to evolution.  Since it was advantageous for humans to do things during the day and go to sleep at night, scientists explained that going against the trend is a sign of intelligence after research found that evening people tend to be more intelligent while morning people who restrict their activities to daytime tend to have lower IQs, according to the study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences.
4.  You Have Blue Eyes

Scientists have found that people with light-colored eyes are generally more intelligent than those with dark-colored eyes.  Researchers found that people with blue eyes were more likely to be strategic thinkers and perform better at activities that require self-pacing and planning, according to the Daily Mail.
5. You Have Double D's
(Suzanne Plunkett/Reuters)
(Suzanne Plunkett/Reuters)
Who says you can't have it all? A 2011 study of 1,200 women found that women with large breasts were more intelligent. According to, women who big breasts had scored on average 10 point higher than their lesser-endowed counterparts.  Researchers found that women with average cup sizes also scored higher on IQ tests than women in the smallest cup size group.


Behaviors of Geniuses

When people ask about the traits of geniuses, they are usually asking what they have in common besides the blatantly obvious (that they are smart). We have decided to take it one step further by asking what behaviors do many of them have in common. This is because in addition to having great natural ability, they actually do things that help them get more out of their talents. Although we don't think that everyone is a genius, we do believe that the average person can use many of these behaviors to enhance his/her own creativity. With that in mind, here are the major ones that we have found.

They often use divergent thinking followed by convergent thinking.
What does it mean?
When faced with a task or challenge, they often try to generate as many ideas (even silly ones) as they can. This is the divergent thinking stage. After this, they then eliminate the ones that won't work. With the few that are left, they often combine traits of 2 or more of the good ones in order to get the best solution(s). This is the convergent thinking stage. In short, they create variation followed by elimination.

Why does it work?
If the concept of variation followed by elimination rings a bell, that's because it is used by a very powerful creative force - Evolution. Trying to do this backwards obviously wouldn't work. In fact, when people run into creative impasses, it is often because they are eliminating ideas before they can examine or even generate them. In short, the order is very important to the process. However, this is nothing new. Just about every worthy book or article written on brainstorming advocates generating as many ideas as possible before you start judging them.

They become familiar with different perspectives.
What does it mean?
They try to look at their respective fields from different points of view. Not only do they try to learn different ways of doing things, but they also study fields that cross paths with their own. For example, Frank Lloyd Wright studied architecture from different parts of the world, and it greatly influenced his style. Also, great artists such as Leonardo da Vinci studied anatomy in order to better depict the human form.

Why does it work?
Perspective is important because your perspective on an issue can determine the ideas that you generate. For this reason, using more than one perspective increases the number of ideas that you can potentially think of. In fact, when someone "thinks outside the box", it is because he/she has looked at the issue from a perspective that is different from the norm. Although critical thinking skills are crucial for examining ideas, their value is reduced when there are no ideas to examine. In short, if you view things from the same perspective as everyone else, then everything you think of will probably have already been thought of.

They think and operate outside the norms.
What does it mean?
However you describe it, a genius usually marches to the beat of his/her own drum violin. As a general rule, geniuses don't go out of their ways to fit in, and their behaviors can often be seen as eccentric (if not downright bizarre). This stems from their viewing the world from perspectives that are different from (or sometimes completely alien to) those of the average person.

Why does it work?
Once you understand the importance of perspective, it becomes clear that this works for basically the same reason as the previous observation. The truth is that many of these people have spent their entire lives thinking outside the box. So when they encounter a task that requires it, it places them right in the middle of their comfort zones.

They seek to know their respective fields at the highest levels.
What does it mean?
It means that they spend a great deal of effort to master their respective fields. They also seek to function at the synthesis and evaluation levels of knowing. They don't just want to know facts, but why the facts exist as they are. They work to master the application of this knowledge and to take it to the next level.

Why does it work?
Of the six major levels of knowing, the synthesis and evaluation levels are the highest. Incidentally, the synthesis level is the lowest level where deliberate (not accidental) creativity takes place, and the evaluation level allows them to truly think out of the box. Also, functioning at these levels requires the person to be reasonably proficient at all of the previous levels. Obviously, they have to be good at what they do. For example, you would expect someone to know how to write if he or she intends to be the next Shakespeare.

They use induction, imagination, and examination.
What does it mean?
Induction is when the person uses the known to make educated guesses about the unknown. It can include things like making predictions or trying to infer general rules from specific examples. Imagination is very similar but there is no requirement to base the inferences on known facts. Many brilliant people use these methods to generate ideas, after which they test them (examination) to make sure that they work.

Why does it work?
This is closely related to the first observation that was listed. However, this one is used to improve the person's knowledge about a subject and not necessarily to only complete a given task. Frankly, if everything that you think of has been proven, then none of it will ever be original. For this reason, creating truly new ideas requires speculation at sometime during the process. After you generate the ideas, testing them not only selects the ones that work, but can give you valuable insight into improving them.

They often use trial and error.
What does it mean?
They accept mistakes, dead ends, and other setbacks as part of the process. In short, they are not too afraid of sometimes being wrong. Now there are some cases where the cost of being wrong can be high. However, in these cases they usually take measures to mitigate the risks so that they can afford to be wrong. For example, when the Wright Brothers tested some of their earlier gliders, they did so on shallow gradients (not cliffs).

Why does it work?
Whenever you speculate or otherwise push the limits of your knowledge, you are bound to come across dead ends and wrong answers. Basically, being wrong is one of the costs of doing business in this realm. In other words, the process of creating breakthroughs involves making mistakes, learning from them, and trying again.

They are action oriented and persistent.
What does it mean?
They don't just think of great ideas, they act on them. Also, they do not give up easily.

Why does it work?
As previously mentioned, geniuses generally function at the highest levels of knowledge. In order to reach these levels, they must be proficient at all prior levels including the application level. This can only be achieved through actual practice. Also, thoughts and ideas are irrelevant without action to back them up. For example, Michelangelo would be hard pressed to produce his works of genius if he never picked up a sculpting tool or a paintbrush. The need for persistence is underscored by the fact that creating breakthroughs involves making mistakes and learning from them. Giving up after the first mistake would terminate any ground breaking efforts almost before they have even started.

They do exercises to sharpen their creativity and their thinking skills.
What does it mean?
Although their minds are already sharp, they often use cognitive exercises to hone them even further. For example, Leonardo da Vinci used a technique similar to mind mapping and Sir Isaac Newton did complex calculations for the fun of it. Also, most (if not all) of the geniuses that we have looked at used extensive visualization in one form or another.

Why does it work?
Being adaptive beings, our abilities actually improve when we exercise them regularly. This applies to both physical and mental abilities. For example, we would be hard pressed to find an elite athlete who did not work out. Similarly, many great thinkers also receive benefits from intellectual workouts.

They get their alone time.
What does it mean?
Whether they are complete recluses or extroverts who schedule time away from the crowd, they do spend some of their productive hours in solitude.

Why does it work?
When you consider that they spend time speculating, and doing mental exercises, it is clear that some of these activities naturally favor a solitary environment. This is compounded by their unconventional thinking which others might have a hard time following. For these reasons, many of their creative activities are most effective if not done in a committee.

We understand that being a true genius requires natural ability. We also know that genius is a relative term used to separate the exceptional from the rest, and therefore only a few can earn the title. However, we also realize that there are many things that they do in order to get the most out of their creative potential. Because these behaviors are actions and habits, we also believe that just about anyone can use these same actions and habits to maximize his/her creative abilities

The Top 10 Most Intelligent People in the World

The Top 10 Most Intelligent People in the World

The Top 10 Most Intelligent People in the World
Have you ever met anyone who knows everything about anything? They know it all and we mean that not in the negative sense of the term. They are some of the smartest people in the world and they have the IQ scores to back it up. They can answer probably anything from simple arithmetic to the most complicated rocket science question. Here is a list of the top 10 most intelligent people in the world.

10. James Woods – 180 IQ

James Woods is a movie, television and stage actor. He has won two Emmy Awards for his performances in “Promise” and “My Name is Bill W” and has been nominated twice for the Academy Awards. He also played the lead role in the television series entitled “Shark.” Aside from acting, Woods is also some sort of math whiz, having studied linear algebra in UCLA while he was still in high school. He was also a full scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before the acting bug hit him.

9. Marilyn vos Savant – 190 IQ

She is a popular columnist for Parade Magazine. Through “Ask Marilyn,” readers can send puzzles and questions on different subjects for vos Savant to solve and answer. Her IQ was the last recognized highest IQ by Guinness before the category was retired in 1990.

8. Kenneth Ferrell – 190 IQ

Kenneth Ferrell is a North Carolina-based doctor who is a member of a number of elite IQ organizations, like the GenerIQ Society, Epimethius Society and the Order of Imhotep. He treats IQ exams as fun hobbies. Ferrell has created several verbal and numerical IQ tests, namely the 12354 and the QUINTIQ.

7. Garry Kasparov – 190 IQ

He is a chess grandmaster from Russia who became the youngest undisputed world champion when he was 22 years old. He beat the then-champion Anatoly Karpov after a grueling duel in 1985. Kasparov held the official world title recognized by the international chess federation until 1993. A dispute occurred, however, forcing Kasparov to relinquish the crown and to form instead the rival Professional Chess Association. In 1997, he lost a chess match to Deep Blue, the first time a world champion had lost to a computer under standard time controls. Kasparov was recognized as the “classical” world champion until 2000, when he as defeated by Vladimir Kramnik. Still, he holds the record for the longest reign at number one.

6. Mislav Predavec – 192 IQ

Mislav Predavec is the founder and president of the GenerIQ Society, an elite organization of some of the most intelligent people in the world. It counts among its members Kenneth Ferrell, who is at number eight in this list. Predavec is a Croatian professor of mathematics based in the country’s capital of Zagreb. He is also the owner and director of a trade company. He loves rock music, particularly the songs of Pink Floyd, and the arts, specifically the works of Leonardo da Vinci. He used to play Mafia Wars regularly as well.

5. Rick Rosner – 192 IQ

By simply looking at his resume’, Rick Rosner would not be thought of as one of the most intelligent people in the world. He has a rough and tough demeanor, having spent a number of years as a bar bouncer. He has also worked as one of those waiters who go around in roller skates. In addition, Rosner has no qualms showing off his body, having been a stripper and nude model in the past. What sets him apart is his 192 IQ. He has put it to good use by joining the television game show called “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” And he does not want to rest on his laurels, as he spends up to 20 hours a day completing IQ exams in a bid to get further up this list.

4. Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis – 198 IQ

Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis is a Greek national who works as a psychiatrist. He has earned degrees in three fields, namely philosophy, medical research technology and psychopharmacology. Katsioulis is also a good painter and a decent swimmer. He also indulges in a lot of traveling.

3. Kim Ung Yong – 210 IQ

This South Korean has a tremendous capacity for both numbers and languages. He started speaking when he was only six months old. By the time he was three years old, he could read several languages already, including Korean, Japanese, German and English, as well as solve complex calculus problems. He also wrote poetry in Chinese and Korean and compiled enough essays and poems for two books. He was already auditing college courses when he was four. NASA then invited him to study in the U.S. when he was eight. By the time he was a teenager, he was already working for them. He then returned to Korea and switched fields from physics to civil engineering. He then published 90 papers about hydraulics.

2. Christopher Hirata – 225 IQ

At the age of 13, Christopher Hirata made waves by getting a gold medal at the international physics Olympiad. The following year, he enrolled at Caltech. By the time he was 22 years old, he was able to earn his PhD from Princeton. He has been working for NASA’s project on how to colonize Mars.

1. Terrence Tao – 230 IQ

Terence Tao - Mathematics - UCLA
He is a mathematician of Australian and American roots. If you think that math is hard enough, just take a peek into the subfields that Tao is involved with: additive combinatorics, analytic number theory, ergodic Ramsey theory, harmonic analysis, partial differential equations and random matrix theory. A recipient of the Fields medal in 2006, Tao holds the James and Carol Collins chair in mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has had good training, learning math when he was barely a toddler, solving arithmetic problems at two years old, studying college level math at nine and getting a gold medal in the international math Olympiad when he was 13. He got his PhD when he was only 20 from Princeton and became a full professor at UCLA when he was 24. He has already published 230 research papers.

The Top 10 Most Intelligent People in the World

The Top 10 Most Intelligent People in the World

The Top 10 Most Intelligent People in the World
Have you ever met anyone who knows everything about anything? They know it all and we mean that not in the negative sense of the term. They are some of the smartest people in the world and they have the IQ scores to back it up. They can answer probably anything from simple arithmetic to the most complicated rocket science question. Here is a list of the top 10 most intelligent people in the world.

10. James Woods – 180 IQ

James Woods is a movie, television and stage actor. He has won two Emmy Awards for his performances in “Promise” and “My Name is Bill W” and has been nominated twice for the Academy Awards. He also played the lead role in the television series entitled “Shark.” Aside from acting, Woods is also some sort of math whiz, having studied linear algebra in UCLA while he was still in high school. He was also a full scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before the acting bug hit him.

9. Marilyn vos Savant – 190 IQ

She is a popular columnist for Parade Magazine. Through “Ask Marilyn,” readers can send puzzles and questions on different subjects for vos Savant to solve and answer. Her IQ was the last recognized highest IQ by Guinness before the category was retired in 1990.

8. Kenneth Ferrell – 190 IQ

Kenneth Ferrell is a North Carolina-based doctor who is a member of a number of elite IQ organizations, like the GenerIQ Society, Epimethius Society and the Order of Imhotep. He treats IQ exams as fun hobbies. Ferrell has created several verbal and numerical IQ tests, namely the 12354 and the QUINTIQ.

7. Garry Kasparov – 190 IQ

He is a chess grandmaster from Russia who became the youngest undisputed world champion when he was 22 years old. He beat the then-champion Anatoly Karpov after a grueling duel in 1985. Kasparov held the official world title recognized by the international chess federation until 1993. A dispute occurred, however, forcing Kasparov to relinquish the crown and to form instead the rival Professional Chess Association. In 1997, he lost a chess match to Deep Blue, the first time a world champion had lost to a computer under standard time controls. Kasparov was recognized as the “classical” world champion until 2000, when he as defeated by Vladimir Kramnik. Still, he holds the record for the longest reign at number one.

6. Mislav Predavec – 192 IQ

Mislav Predavec is the founder and president of the GenerIQ Society, an elite organization of some of the most intelligent people in the world. It counts among its members Kenneth Ferrell, who is at number eight in this list. Predavec is a Croatian professor of mathematics based in the country’s capital of Zagreb. He is also the owner and director of a trade company. He loves rock music, particularly the songs of Pink Floyd, and the arts, specifically the works of Leonardo da Vinci. He used to play Mafia Wars regularly as well.

5. Rick Rosner – 192 IQ

By simply looking at his resume’, Rick Rosner would not be thought of as one of the most intelligent people in the world. He has a rough and tough demeanor, having spent a number of years as a bar bouncer. He has also worked as one of those waiters who go around in roller skates. In addition, Rosner has no qualms showing off his body, having been a stripper and nude model in the past. What sets him apart is his 192 IQ. He has put it to good use by joining the television game show called “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” And he does not want to rest on his laurels, as he spends up to 20 hours a day completing IQ exams in a bid to get further up this list.

4. Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis – 198 IQ

Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis is a Greek national who works as a psychiatrist. He has earned degrees in three fields, namely philosophy, medical research technology and psychopharmacology. Katsioulis is also a good painter and a decent swimmer. He also indulges in a lot of traveling.

3. Kim Ung Yong – 210 IQ

This South Korean has a tremendous capacity for both numbers and languages. He started speaking when he was only six months old. By the time he was three years old, he could read several languages already, including Korean, Japanese, German and English, as well as solve complex calculus problems. He also wrote poetry in Chinese and Korean and compiled enough essays and poems for two books. He was already auditing college courses when he was four. NASA then invited him to study in the U.S. when he was eight. By the time he was a teenager, he was already working for them. He then returned to Korea and switched fields from physics to civil engineering. He then published 90 papers about hydraulics.

2. Christopher Hirata – 225 IQ

At the age of 13, Christopher Hirata made waves by getting a gold medal at the international physics Olympiad. The following year, he enrolled at Caltech. By the time he was 22 years old, he was able to earn his PhD from Princeton. He has been working for NASA’s project on how to colonize Mars.

1. Terrence Tao – 230 IQ

Terence Tao - Mathematics - UCLA
He is a mathematician of Australian and American roots. If you think that math is hard enough, just take a peek into the subfields that Tao is involved with: additive combinatorics, analytic number theory, ergodic Ramsey theory, harmonic analysis, partial differential equations and random matrix theory. A recipient of the Fields medal in 2006, Tao holds the James and Carol Collins chair in mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has had good training, learning math when he was barely a toddler, solving arithmetic problems at two years old, studying college level math at nine and getting a gold medal in the international math Olympiad when he was 13. He got his PhD when he was only 20 from Princeton and became a full professor at UCLA when he was 24. He has already published 230 research papers.

Friday 8 November 2013


Top 10 Most Genius People Ever in the world

Friday, November 4th 2011. | Human
Most genius people in the world are interesting topic we will discuss in this article. We’ll talk about the most genius people based on IQ levels, not on discovery or service that they have done. Here is a list of top 10 most genius people in the world.

most genius people john stuart mill Top 10 Most Genius People Ever in the world

In the top ten is John Stuart Mill as the most genius people. Mill was a British philosopher. Mill has an IQ of 174. 9. Edmund Spenser

 Top 10 Most Genius People Ever in the world
Edmund Spenser

Edmund Spenser was ranked ninth as the most genius people in the world. Spenser was a craftsman from England which is famous for his work The Faerie Queene. Spenser has IQ of 175. 8. Emanuel Swedenborg

 Top 10 Most Genius People Ever in the world
Emanuel Swedenborg

Emanuel Swedenborg was ranked as the eighth most genius people. Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist. He also was a Christian mystic. At the age of 56 years, he dreamed, and claimed to have been appointed by god to write Heaven to reform the Christian Doctrine. He also claimed that God had opened his eyes so he could see Heaven Hell and talked with angels. He has an IQ of 176. 7. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

most genius people johann wolfgang von goethe Top 10 Most Genius People Ever in the world
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was ranked as the seventh most genius people at the Guinness Book of Records. A scientist and writer from Germany. Goethe is the world’s most important figures in German literature. He has an IQ of 179.


most genius people leonardo da vinci Top 10 Most Genius People Ever in the world

Who does not know Leonardo Da Vinci? Famous artists from Italy are ranked sixth as the most genius people in the world. But would rather spend his life in France. The most famous works of Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is a painting. Da Vinci had an IQ of 180. 5. Marilyn vos Savant

most genius people marylin vos savant Top 10 Most Genius People Ever in the world
Marilyn vos Savant

Marilyn Vos Savant was ranked fifth as the most genius people in the world. An author from United States. Listed as the owner of the 3 highest IQ in the Guinness Book of Record today. With an IQ more than 186. 4. SIR ISAAC NEWTON

most genius people sir isaac newton Top 10 Most Genius People Ever in the world

Sir Isaac Newton was a scientist who is ranked fourth as the most genius people in the world. Scientists who concluded Gravity law. This is famous for her apple tree. A physicist, mathematician, natural philosopher, astronomer, and theologian who came from England. Newton has an IQ of 190. 3. Christopher Langan

most genius people christoper langan Top 10 Most Genius People Ever in the world
Christopher Langan

Christopher Michael Langan ranked third as the most genius people in the world version of the Guinness book of records. United States citizens who are in the list of numbers 2 Guinness book of Records with an IQ of 195. 2. KIM UNG YONG

most genius people kim ung yong Top 10 Most Genius People Ever in the world

The only most genius people who are still alive today. Kim Ung Yong is ranked second as the most genius people in the world. Recorded in the Guinness Book Of Records as the owner of the highest IQ in the world today, the IQ 210. He is a male Korean citizen. Perhaps, he was born into the world as a miracle baby. Kim Small who was 3 years old, can already read-write in 4 languages (English, Korean, Japanese, And German). At the age of 7 years, Kim was invited to the United States by NASA. He completed his Ph.D Professor at Colorado State University before the age of 16 years. Return to Korea he earned a doctorate in civil engineering. Now he works for NASA. 1. James Sidis

most genius people jamies sidis Top 10 Most Genius People Ever in the world
James Sidis

Not Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison was not. But it was William James Sidis. Men United States citizen who became most genius man in the world. Why he is less known to the world? This guy is too smart. Just 11 years old, he had entered the University. He became the youngest student at Harvard University. All his life, Sidis have mastered the 200 languages in the world. In fact, he memorized a kind of language as a whole in just 1 day. Extraordinary intellect made him mad. He had no friends or boyfriend. In fact he left home, leaving his family and exile. He died at the age of 46 years in a state of unemployed, alienated, and very poor. With an IQ over 250 he became the most genius people. No related posts

Thursday 7 November 2013

Working with Men to Stop Rape in Africa

Working with Men to Stop Rape in Africa

Protesters deliver a letter to the office of Kenya's Inspector General in Nairobi demanding justice in the case of a teenage rape victim, Oct. 31, 2013. (Gabe Joselow/VOA)
Protesters deliver a letter to the office of Kenya's Inspector General in Nairobi demanding justice in the case of a teenage rape victim, Oct. 31, 2013. (Gabe Joselow/VOA)
Gabe Joselow



Tanzania’s minister for East African Cooperation says the government in Dodoma will consider new strategic alliances after expressing concern about the “strange behavior” of some countries in the East African Community (EAC).
“We are concerned with the actions by Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda, which started very suddenly and without consultations. What we thought was a normal state visit by President Kenyatta to Uganda, [but] having reached there, it seems President Kagame was then invited, and they started this so-called ‘coalition of the willing’, which in itself is an insult to Tanzania,” said Samuel Sitta, Tanzania’s East African Cooperation minister.
Press reports say that the “coalition” refers to those EAC countries that want to fast-track regional integration. The press reports some Tanzanian officials as reportedly wanting to go at a more deliberative pace.
Sitta says it appears leaders of Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya have taken decisions without properly consulting Tanzania, which he says contravenes the rules of the grouping. But, Sitta rejected recent reports that the government in Dodoma was considering pulling out of the EAC following alleged attempts to isolate Tanzania from the EAC.
Three East African presidents, (from R) Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and Paul Kagame of Rwanda, hold a joint news conference soon after their meeting in Entebbe, 36km (22 miles) southwest of the capital Kampala, June 25, 2013.
“What is happening now to put it mildly is very strange. But, we are not going to pull out. Matters would have to reach a point, where the whole thing is no longer sustainable, and we don’t think it’s reached that,” said Sitta. “We have every right to raise our concerns and to begin preliminary work on new alignments.”
He said the three countries have yet to consult Tanzania on their recent talks about creating a regional program to promote energy efficiency.
“If your neighbors go ahead and talk about self-sufficiency in energy and leave you out completely, how do you proceed with this project? They cost money, so it’s more than isolation it’s like the three countries are trying to pull out of the community, and they are not telling us that that is what they are doing,” said Sitta.
New friends
Sitta says Tanzania will seek to form new alliances with other nations if cooperation between member states within the EAC fails to resolve regional challenges as originally conceived by the grouping.
Uganda holds the chairmanship of the EAC and also chairs the group’s council of ministers. Sitta said Tanzania is seeking an explanation from Uganda before deciding its next line of action insisting that the government in Dodoma has many options for pursuing its national interests.
“We have requested Uganda to explain to us if in terms of strategic alliances, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda feel that they belong more to the northern part of East Africa. That is absolutely fine with us,” said Sitta. “We shall re-align ourselves with South and Central African countries but, we need to be told because these things are not done in a surreptitious [and] sudden manner; obviously we have to seek new alliances.”
Rough patch
Diplomatic relations between Dodoma and neighboring Kigali have been tense after Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete suggested that the governments in the Great Lakes region should try and negotiate with armed groups. Sitta admitted that Mr. Kikwete’s suggestion appeared to have angered Rwandan President Paul Kagame.
“It unleashed a barrage of very negative publicity, which so far has not been condemned or even admonished by the Rwandan government, depicting President Kikwete as a vampire or some sort of Dracula chewing on Rwandan children. It’s the kind of thing that one doesn’t do,” said Sitta. “I don’t think you can call Dodoma-Kigali relations cordial.”
EAC Summit
A summit of heads of state and government is scheduled to be held on November 30. Some analysts hope the leaders’ summit can come up with solutions to help resolve the tensions among the EAC member states. Sitta said Tanzania will seek clarification at the summit before deciding its next line of action.
“We shall demand to be told whether we shall continue as five countries or (whether) our friends are joining South Sudan to form [a] coalition of four and the remaining partners, Burundi and Tanzania, can form an economic and strategic partnership with the DRC …,” said Sitta.

Top 10 Reasons Why Singing is Good for you

Top 10 Reasons Why Singing is Good for you
Article by Bhavana Narayan, August 26, 2013
What do you do when you are happy? What do you do when you are excited? What do you do when you are not so happy? How do you express your emotions? Emotions are the subtleties of the human mind and psychology. They form the basis for thought and expression. Our emotions and how we express them make us who we are. Okay that’s enough talk about emotions! Back to the question! What are the ways we express our emotions? It is through art, through visual and performing arts. Be it dance or music. Music always has a special place in every person’s heart. It makes you sway, it makes you dance, it moves you and touches your soul! Music is rightly called as ‘food for the soul’. And when we are vocal with music, then it’s even better!
Singing is a natural art form, where you use your vocal chords to express yourself. It’s an inborn, natural musical instrument that every human is gifted with. All you need is a sense of frequencies and rhythms, for it to show up. Many times, aren’t you caught unawares, when you sing something along without realizing it, when you’re in the shower or when you cook etc.? That’s the effect of singing. It’s as if you’re singing a lullaby to yourself! You are happily crooning, without even realizing it! You can sing practically anywhere! While you’re driving, while at school, college, work, in the shower, just about anywhere!  Now let’s try and answer another question! Why sing? Because it makes you feel good about yourself. It releases a host of ‘feel good’ endorphins that can make you feel very refreshed. You don’t have to be a professional singer to sing! It’s totally okay to just sing! Go easy on the intricacies! You don’t have to sound good, necessarily, when it is just a hobby. Think of it as a source of recreation, and then things will fall into place. But please do not think of it as a waste of time! That’s totally the wrong idea! The kind of satisfaction and peace that it can give you! Well, you have to experience it yourself! This article talks of ten reasons why singing is good. Actually, I can give you plenty more! Nevertheless, read and discover that an act as simple as singing can do wonders to you!
10. Can help prolong life
Are you aware that healthy and happy singing is the key to a longer life? Once again, you need not be a performing artiste for you to experience this miracle! It does not depend on how well you sing. If you sing everyday, you can have a longer life too! Research proves this right. Singers do have a greater life expectancy than most average adults. If you croon everyday, knowingly or unknowingly, you’re adding more days to your life. You will realize the benefit of this in the long run.
9. Boosts memory
Using music and singing as tools for better memory is not unheard of! This is what our ancestors practiced. You remember the lyrics. You remember the notes. You keep a track of the pitch and the rhythm. All this involves the use of memory, involuntarily. With more of such use, your memory improves. Music helps us remember better, and also more easily. This is especially true with children. Not only that, pronunciation and mnemonics improve too. Studies have found that people with dementia have got cured through singing.
8. Makes you creative
Singing, like any other art form is about being creative. With just seven fundamental harmonic frequencies and eight octaves, music is ad infinitum! There are umpteen possibilities to sing a song differently. In the end you sound different, and this is being creative. You explore a multitude of options to sing. It’s as if your mind and vocals go on a roller coaster ride! Singing is a creative pursuit, where you discover yourself and devise newer methods of expression.
7. Good health and well being
Singing and good health are synonymous. Singing has similar effects on the body and mind, like Yoga. It ensures well being: physical, mental, psychological and social. It improves the posture and breathing. There’s no better breathing exercise, than singing. It increases the capacity of the respiratory system. It improves immunity, so you’ll be less likely to get infected by diseases, when you sing. Basically, singing is an aerobic activity that increases oxygen flow to the body.
6. Healing effects
Apart from time, it is music that heals. The healing effects of music on the mind and the soul are very well known. When you are sad you listen to music. It makes you feel better in no minute! Singing fills the brain with healthy chemicals, so you end up feeling good when you sing. Singing is a mood lifter. It has therapeutic effects.  When you sing, you are always in a good mood. It evokes positive emotions. There is no room for gloom!
5. A way to express yourself
Singing is the most natural form of expression. You don’t have to carry any instrument! You can stand or sit right where you are and sing. It is a way to communicate, creatively and effectively. You can show yourself through the way you portray and paint your emotions, through your singing. Singing is a free and uninhibited channel to express yourself. It gives you a feeling of liberation. “Music is what feelings sound like”
4. Connects you to people
When you sing, it is not only you who can feel the emotions, but also the audience who listen to you. They sway to your tunes. It touches their hearts too! Singing brings you closer to more number of people. Through your music, you can reach out to practically anyone in the world, for music transcends everything! Singing is great for a community life. It increases the bonding between people and makes a society healthy, in terms of culture and morals.
3. The greatest stress buster!
Music is the best and the greatest stress buster! Singing can make you ‘be in the moment’, helping you forget all else. You forget all your worries and sorrow. You forget the world, you forget yourself! It can help reduce fear, hopelessness, anxiety, depression and insecurity. All negative emotions that pull you down will be gone in seconds if you sing! It is nature’s way of helping you feel good, and it’s in your own control! It increases confidence and builds self-esteem and hence, you will never feel low! It reduces feelings of isolation. Sing everyday, and keep stress at bay!
2. Makes you a better person
With everything positive, singing ought to make you a better person. No angst, no regret, no feelings grudge, betrayal and anger! Yes, vicious thoughts do affect your mind when you feel let down or when you feel that injustice has prevailed. But unfortunately, we cannot always hope for things to happen how we want them to! We aren’t always lucky. Sometimes, you need to brace yourself for changes. You have to accept things as they come. There are few things we cannot control, and it is best to let go of them.
When you start singing, you stop worrying about all the unnecessary stuff. Your positive side is at its peak. Say goodbye to the devil!
1. Makes you happy- sing for joy!
Nothing can make you happy the way music can! The best reason to sing is that it makes you feel fabulous and fantastic! It adds zest to your life. Singing is for enjoyment. It greatly enhances the quality of your life. Sing for the pure delight of it, for the inexplicable yet mesmerizing joy of it! I think the primary purpose of singing is because it makes you happy. It keeps you free-spirited and light throughout the day.
“ The only thing better than singing, is more singing”