Tuesday, 29 October 2013



  1. 1
    Start a petition. Open a word document, and make a page with the headline, "STOP WAR" with a little bit explaining what you believe in. Then insert numbers with lines long enough for names. Print out a lot of lines, because a lot of people will most likely sign it.
  2. 2
    Make signs. You can make them as a big banner, or as picket signs to carry around. No matter how it looks, just make sure it gets the point across. Don't paint the words in yellow, because people won't be able to see this while driving past. Paint it in a dark colour, such as black or red. Paint something meaningful on it that will cause people to want to sign your petition, such as, "People are dying. You can stop it". This will make people feel guilty for not doing anything, and they will proudly sign the petition to help the cause. Don't write something like, "End war or we'll hurt you", because this is against what your belief is stating.
  3. 3
    Gather followers. The sad truth is: if no one believes in what you're doing, no one is going to help you. The easiest thing to do is to get most of your friends to sign your petition, then acquaintances, and then strangers. If a stranger sees your petition with only two people on it, they will see it as a non-dedicated source. If they see a petition with a thousand signatures, they'll take it more seriously.
  4. The more the followers, the bigger amount of space.
    Protest. Go to a place that is crowded, such as the park on a nice day. Set yourself up at a nice table along with some others who support the cause, and say things loudly like, "People are dying! Only you can stop it!", or, "Anti-War, Pro-Peace!". These things are likely to catch others' attention. If someone comes over, ask them to sign your petition.
  5. 5
    Vote for the anti-war candidate. Take action by voting for the anti-war candidate, and encourage others to do so also. You can encourage your friends to vote for the anti-war runner, but this isn't a good idea for strangers, because they won't appreciate you telling them what to do. Asking people to sign a petition is okay, but telling them who to vote for and informing them of the candidate will seem more like a campaign. Try to remain personal when asking people to help the cause, and stick to little things they can do.
  6. A pamphlet this size would be good
    Inform others. Surprisingly, many are unaware of the effects of war. You can help end this by either going door to door and informing, or printing out information packets and putting them in peoples' mailboxes. However, some people get annoyed by this and simply throw the packets away. An alternative to this is to walk around a park, and asking people if they'd like an information packet on the affects of war and what they can do to stop it. This way, you won't waste your time informing people who don't care.
  7. 7
    Show that you support the cause. There are several ways to do this. Let your creativity inspire you. You can make T-shirts, paint your car with anti-war symbols, or host things like concerts, and donate a portion of the money to bring the armies home. People will admire you for your courage and devotion to a cause, and may even join you in your quest. A good idea is to make anti-war bumper stickers, and hand them out at a crowded place. All of these ideas show you are serious about a cause, and will encourage others to join you.

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