Foundation, toner, bronzer, kaajal, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil,
eye-shadow, blusher, lipstick, lip-gloss, powder, deodorant,nail
polish…if you are in the habit of putting on at least ten of these every
single day, whether at work, parties, picnics, dinners or walks, you
are definitely an obsessive compulsive cosmetics user! Of course, they
make you look pretty, but not forever. They make you look younger, but
they don’t make you younger. Too much of a good thing can turn
very nasty in the long run. Cosmetics today contain a wide range of
chemicals which, if used in excess, slowly damage our skin and body
until it is too late to mend. A study has found that the average woman
exposes her skin to one hundred and seventy five different chemicals
everyday in the form of make- up and beautification products. Dangerous
chemicals like sodium sulphates, phthalates, parabens, triclosan and
various reactive acids present in most popular cosmetic products today
are absorbed by the skin into the bloodstream and lead to numerous
lingering side effects, some of which are known to have serious
repercussions for the user’s general health. Read on to discover more
about how these so-called magic make up tricks can be little devils in
10. Skin Discoloration

Skin Discoloration
A number of cosmetics, like fairness creams, skin toners, sunscreens
and blushers can have bleaching and/or darkening effects on the skin,
especially if the products are of inferior quality. Poor quality
cosmetics when used without regulation can lead to marked discolouration
of skin, including patches, redness, brown to gray pigmentation,
blotches and unevenness. You surely don’t want your face to become
dotted with brown, flecked with grey and look as red as if you’ve been
pinched all over, then you would do well to use these synthetic skin
care products as little as possible. Hence it is extremely important to
use these products only while they are well within their date of expiry.
Switching to natural remedies like preparing pastes from fruits and
medicinal herbs, eating healthy and drinking plenty of water are always
the wiser options.
9. Headaches

There is a scientifically proven relationship between make-up and
headaches. Surveys point out that most women who wear make-up for long
hours daily are more prone to serious headaches at irregular intervals.
Thick coats of make-up, especially on the face and forehead increases
susceptibility to painful migraine attacks which may even lead to
dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Harsh chemicals interfere with the skin
and underlying muscles, triggering headaches, weakness and fatigue. So
if you are getting headaches at odd hours for which you haven’t been
able to pinpoint the cause, then ask yourself how much make-up and
perfume you’ve been wearing lately, and try going through a week without
them. You’ll definitely find your headaches reduced to near
non-existent soon.
8. Itching and Skin Disorders

A number of oil-based skin foundations clog pores on the facial skin,
leading to scary acne outbreaks. Blushers and bronzers contain
ingredients which can lead to pimples, lead patches and long term skin
irritation all over the affected areas. Salicylates found in a number of
pain relief lotions and skin care creams can lead to severe itching
especially among those who are sensitive to the chemical. And the next
time you think about buying that new anti-ageing fairness cream,
remember to collect thorough information about the ingredients, quality
and side-effects as a number of poor quality skin care products contain
chemicals which though temporarily may present you with a youthful glow,
can in the long run lead to premature ageing of your skin. Sodium
lauryl sulphate, a popular ingredient used by most of the modern
cosmetic brands, is known to reduce the protective barrier of the skin
by at least ten percent, thereby increasing the skin’s susceptibility to
irritation by a host of chemicals. Heavy metals and ammonia in hair
dyes can lead to abrasions in the skin and scalp, follicle damage and
hair loss.
7. Allergic Reactions

Allergic Reactions
A large percentage of health problems from cosmetics involve
allergies. Commonly used chemicals contained in make-up products can
produce allergic reactions in the skin, eyes and hair if used in
excessive amounts. Parabens, (examples – ethyl-paraben, butyl-paraben,
isopropyl-paraben etc.) which are chemicals used as preservatives to
prevent bacterial growth in cosmetics, have been reported to cause
allergic reactions including various kinds of skin irritation, blotches
and blemishes on the skin of the users of these products. A lasting
infection caused by the use of certain fragrances is photosensitization,
in which the perfume reacts with sunlight to create brown patches on
the skin. Salicylate sensitivity is another reason for increased
allergic reactions including the outbreak of painful rashes or hives
among sensitive users to products containing the chemical as one of the
ingredient. Sadly, very few cosmetics in the market are completely free
of salycilates.
6. Eye Infections

Eye Infections
Use of excessive make-up on and around the eyes can lead to serious
infections, accompanied by redness, watery eyes and stinging sensations.
Applying too many coats of eye shadow creates considerable damage as
the glittery dust which makes your eyes shine also slips through the
corners and ends of the eyelids to cause redness and itching. Too much
mascara can lead to the stopping of eyelash growth or falling of
eyelashes. Mascara also attracts bacteria for breeding, as a result
causing severe eye irritation potentially resulting in blindness. Same
goes for too much kaajal and eyeliner. Our eyes are one of the most
important and sensitive organs of our body – it would be a shame if we
destroy them in our attempts to beautify them.
5. Depression

A most recent study by international scientists has linked cosmetic
use with depression and mood swings. They claim that women who tend to
wear heavy make-up including foundations, toners, lipstick, blushers
and dark mascaras tend to feel more gloomy and depressed more often than
those who use minimal or no make-up. Triclosan, parabens and other
damaging chemicals in skincare products and perfumes disrupt lead to
hormonal imbalances The prevalence of such negative feelings leads to
loss of concentration, determination and optimistic outlook, which can
have immensely adverse effects on one’s professional, social and
personal lives. So if you want to stay happy throughout the day, throw
out those countless tubes of fairness creams, wrinkle lifts and hair
4. Disruption of Thyroid Systems

Thyroid Gland
Damaging chemicals in cosmetics over a long period of time, can wreak
havoc with your endocrine system, particularly the thyroid gland. A
prominent example is Triclosan – a chemical used to keep many of your
skin care products germ free. It is commonly found in deodorant sprays,
make-up, and acne-removing scrubs. Absorption and accumulation of
triclosan and perfluorinated compounds within the body due to daily
cosmetic application has an extremely detrimental effect on the thyroid
gland, leading to severe after-effects occurring from hypothyroidism
i.e. insufficient secretion of the thyroid hormone. Sudden headaches,
shivering bouts, depression and weight gain are some of the adverse
consequences resulting from the hyposecretion of the thyroid gland.
3. Damage to Reproductive Systems

DNA damage in Reproductive Cells
The allergy-causing parabens present in cosmetics in the form of
antimicrobial ingredients have been proven by medical research to be
toxic to the reproductive cells and system. Butyl paraben in particular
was linked to DNA damage in men’s sperm, according to a study that
compared the levels of this compound to several reproductive measures in
men. If the DNA of reproductive cells are damaged, it can lead to a
terribly adverse impact on reproduction processes and reproductive
hormones. Moreover, since women are the dominant consumers of cosmetics,
these toxic chemicals tend to put them at even greater risk. Skincare
products and deodorants have been linked to some very complicated
reproductive irregularities, which could even lead to infertility and I
am sure you don’t want that to happen to yourself. So stop wondering
and just be careful. Don’t overdo your make-up. It won’t change who you
2. Breathing Disorders

Asthmatic Airway
Chemically reactive beauty products can not only ruin your healthy
physical appearance and cause painful allergies, they can go so far as
to interfere with your respiratory system, causing serious breathing
disorders. For example, salicylates and lead-containing lipsticks can
lead to breathing difficulties that are similar to asthmatic attacks.
Even the seemingly harmless bubble bath you buy for your little boy or
girl can be a potential cause of respiratory disorders, especially if it
contains the foaming agent alkylarylsulphonate. What is the use of
beautification if it results in our being unable to breathe properly?
Hence it only makes sense to be extremely careful while choosing the
cosmetics we purchase and limiting their use altogether.
1. Increase Susceptibility to Cancer

Skin Cancer
If nothing else can make you control the use of cosmetics, this
definitely will.The most pressing reason to minimize the use of
cosmetics and toiletries is to protect yourself fro cancer risks, in
other words, almost certain death. A majority of chemical cosmetics
available in the market today contain toxic ingredients that, with
prolonged use, can cause multiple kinds of cancer – breast cancer, skin
cancer and blood cancer.Fragrances containing phthalates, synthetic
shampoos and deodorant sprays and nail polish contaminated with benzene
in particular can be the causes of the worst kinds of cancer. And the
worst part is, since companies try their best to make these products
look as innocent as possible, and because of the lack of consumer
awareness regarding the their toxicity, people hardly suspect them to be
the cause of their health troubles, until it is too late.