Sunday, 19 October 2014


the opening of  Gala Awards ceremony held at the Mlimani City 
Conference Centre, in Dar es Salaam on Saturday October 18, 2014.
  President Jakaya Kikwete,  Dr. Mary Michael Nagu. Minister of State for Investment
Commissioner  Hon Said Meck Sadick,  CEO MultiChoice Africa, Deborah Rayner (second right), SVP International Newsgathering TV and Digital, CNN International (right), stand at attention as the national anthem is sung.
 Part of the invited guests
 Invited guests
President Kikwete delivers his speech
Newsgathering TV and Digital, CNN International speaks
 Nico Meyer, CEO MultiChoice Africa
 CNN International’s Isha Sesay co-host of  the
 Part of the invited guests
 Capital Television’s Frank Morandi co-host of the
 More invited guests
Award  honour after  Content Sales and  Partnerships, CNN International, made the presentation
 The attentive guests follow up the
Award  presented with the trophy by   Ecobank Transnational Inc 
MEDIA ORTB Benin receives the trophy from  Co-Founder and Executive Chairman AllAfrica Global Media
MEDIA, Watan, Algeria, as  AllAfrica Global Media looks on after presenting the trophy
 CNN cameraman in action
Freelance for Landbouweekblad and The Mail & Guardian, South Africa,  the  AWARD, presented by  Public Affairs & Communications Manager, The Coca-Cola Company (left)  
The Nation Newspaper, Nigeria, winner of the  by  South Africa (left)
jailed Bheki Makhubu, of Swaziland
Makhubu after receiving the  from Ferial Haffajee, Chairperson of the 2014 Judging Panel (left)
receives the   PHOTOGRAPHIC AWARD, presented by  Media
Westgate attack in Nairobi, Kenya, are shown to the audience
speaks after accepting the    by  (left)
summons on stage his son Geoff Kihato to  share the glory of the   PHOTOGRAPHIC AWARD, presented by  Media
humbled as his son Geoff  Kihato receives the   from  Media
Susan Comrie, Mnet Carte Blanche, South Africa, receive the  AWARD, from   Financial Officer Africa
 The audience is glued as the cameramen are
announces the winner of the  AWARD
for a little player after the announcement the he and Anne Mawathe have won
the  ITV
the  Msindisi Fengu the CNN MultiChoice African Journalists 2013
President Kikwete opens the envelope as CEO MultiChoice Africa, Deborah Rayner, SVP International Newsgathering TV and Digital, CNN International look on
MultiChoice Africa, Deborah Rayner, SVP International Newsgathering TV and Digital, CNN International look on
Kenyan journalist Joseph Mathenge  the top prize at this year’s CNN MultiChoice African Journalist 2014 Awards Ceremony held on Satuday night at the Mlimani City Conference hall in Dar es salaam. He has been honoured for  capturing the captivating images of Kenya, when the mall was attacked by unidentified gunmen in September 2013.
Mathege’s son, Geoff Kihato, also a photographer,  who helped his father capture the captivating images of   mall was attacked by unidentified gunmen in September 2013.
 The audience
Kenyan journalist Joseph Mathenge  the top prize at this year’s CNN MultiChoice African Journalist 2014 Awards Ceremony held on Satuday night at the Mlimani City Conference hall in Dar es salaam. Looking on is Mathege’s son, Geoff Kihato, also a photographer, who helped his father capture the captivating images of Kenya, when the mall was attacked by unidentified gunmen in September 2013.
Mathenge as President Kikwete, Mathege’s son Geoff Kihato and Deborah Rayner, SVP International Newsgathering TV and Digital, CNN International,  (partially hidden) look on.
Deborah Rayner, SVP International Newsgathering TV and Digital, CNN International, pose for  a group photo with Mathenge and son Geoff during the ceremony.
 The panel of judges being
 Confetti rain of the panel of
 Confetti swallow the panel of
 President Kikwete shakes hands with the panel of
Isha Sesay co-host of  the show
Capital Television’s Frank Morandi co-host of the show
trophies at during the ceremony.
 Lady Jay Dee with her Machozi band
Mohamed Amin during the ceremony.
with the dignitaries during the ceremony.
Nayar and other guests as he takes his leave
Swaziland journalist Bheki Makhubu who received on his behalf the PRESS FREEDOM

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